martes, 25 de enero de 2011

Recipe: MATAMBRE -(typical Argentine Food)-(Flank Steak)

Flank steak (matambre), is a beef steak that is attached to the chest opn to the outside and is very flat.
Is a typical dish from the kitchen in Argentina.  There many are many wyas to prepare it, grilled, baked and/or boiled (consistence of stiff).
Here's my recipe, which has some of the others and my personal touch.

11/2kg de matambre (flank steak)
4 hard boiled egg
1 tin of processed peas (mashed)
Spices: red pepper or ground chilli pepper, orégano, sweet páprika, dried basil, cumin, (can not miss in argentine food).
salt to teste

 1-Extend on the table the "matambre"
 2- Remove the greasers
 3- Add salt and spices begin
 4- Add the mashed peas, boiled carrots, and boiled eggs last
 5- Was run over and sew it with thread and needle tip and at the end of the wound
 6- Finally tie it with a thicker thread, so it is firmand the stuffing does not escape
 7- Place in a pan, cover with and added to the water 1 onion peeled and bay leaves
and other seassonings that used earlier
 8- Cook over medium heat 2 hours
 9- To teste for the doneness with a knife, if the knife sinks is that is ready
10-Let it cool inthe water after passing combines cold sources, wrap in foil and stores in refrigeration
It can be eaten in sandwuiches or russian salad
Either way it just as tasty

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